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Naples, FLNaples, FL
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A Trade Show Case Study

August 27, 2015by Payden And Company

One area that promotional products have been effective in, is the generation of booth traffic and quality leads at trade shows. Rather than just hand out an inexpensive promotional product to every show attendee as they passed their booth, one company qualified their target audience by sending invitations to both their current and potential customers. These were the people that the company wanted their sales force to spend time with during the show. Included in the invitation box were a set of batteries with a note saying ” Let us help you see the future”, with instructions for the recipient to visit their booth and receive the gift the batteries operated. Over 90% of the recipients were curious enough to visit the company’s booth during the show, resulting in substantive one-on-one time with viable prospects.

Payden And Company
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30PM
PO Box 1939 East Greenwich, RI 02818
Naples, FL
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PO Box 1939 East Greenwich, RI 02818
Naples, FL
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